28-day programmes are popular but research demonstrates that longer treatment does result in better long-term outcomes. We understand that the thought of being away from home for any longer than four weeks may seem daunting but it’s also really important that you give yourself the best chance possible.
On admission, all clients agree to a 28 day stay and then have the option to extend on to our secondary programme after successfully completing the initial 28-day primary programme. Of course, this is not viable for everyone for a range of reasons but is a fantastic opportunity if you are able to do so.

The secondary programme at The Providence Projects is a great way to solidify the progress made during the 28-day rehab programme. For example, addiction or alcoholism is often a symptom of a deeper issue and whilst secondary treatment shares many similarities with primary care, clients at this stage are often more able to explore, address and resolve issues that may have proved too much in those early days. This optional programme involves further soul searching.
We put a clear focus on relapse prevention identifying individual blocks and resources to recovery, putting together plans for a range of scenarios. This relapse prevention work along with peer evaluations all contribute to the reintegration planning for a smooth return to the community.

Unsure as to how long your detox and rehab programme needs to be. Speak to one of our experts.
We realise that in the Western world particularly, we look for quick fixes or a pill to make us feel better. So many people who present for treatment with us have tried a range of medications, hypnotherapy, moving towns, changing relationships, or jobs only to find their alcohol or drug use stayed the same or worsened. Unfortunately, treatment for addiction can take a little time and many clients see moving on to our second stage programme as a natural progression where they will stay from two to eight weeks.
Viv’s Testimonial
We don’t like talking about our programmes that much. Instead, we trust our former residents to tell you how their stay with us went.

Our secondary rehab phase connects clients will their own personal therapist. They can work through a set of agreed goals to continue to increase the chances of long-term recovery. These issues are of course different for each client but may include self-esteem, boundaries, relapse prevention, adverse childhood experiences, relationships, the 12 steps, shame and guilt, thinking errors, shame and guilt, families and much more.
During the second stage programme, there is also a focus on reintegration. All of our programmes have been designed to make this process as smooth as possible but it is of course still a big transition to leave the support of The Providence Projects and return to the real world in its entirety. Clients will have the opportunity to work closely with their therapist, their peer group and their loved ones during this process and home visits may also be a key part of this transition.

Clients who complete the secondary treatment programme will have a full graduation. These really are special occasions where we celebrate the achievements of that individual. These ceremonies where clients receive a plaque, a book from the team, before and after photos and a range of feedback from their peers and possibly loved ones too really are emotional occasions and a day that is never forgotten. We never underestimate how hard this is and believe it is important to celebrate and recognise success and achievements.

Our continued treatment options will be your chance to go back into the world, head held high, with a clear plan. The Providence Projects offer a range of individualised aftercare options including ongoing 1-1 counselling and family therapy.
We also work closely with a range of agencies across the United Kingdom and can arrange referrals for any ongoing support you may require including organisation such as Alcoholics Anonymous and employment advisors.

If you are looking for help for yourself or someone you love and care for, please call our team today.