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Too much is never good–this holds for Alcohol. We all enjoy a glass of wine or two during our social events. However, there is a limit to our body’s tolerance of alcohol. Alcohol poisoning occurs…
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Cannabis has gained significant attention recently due to its legalisation in the UK and beyond. Aside from that, a changing social structure has increased its usage. As its availability and usage gro…
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Are you aware of the potential dangers associated with vaping cannabis? Many people believe that vaping cannabis products is a safer alternative to smoking. While that may be true in some cases, new r…
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Cocaine is a potent substance that affects your brain and mental well-being and leaves significant and visible impacts on your physical appearance. Cocaine addiction can change your appearance, and y…
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Methamphetamine, commonly known as meth, is an illegal drug renowned for its harmful effects. Research has shown that meth may harm your physical health. Among these, oral health often finds the most…
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If you’ve ever woken up to a sore jaw in the morning or a loved one has mentioned that you grind your teeth in their sleep, it might be a condition known as bruxism. This is a somewhat common bu…
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From medicinal properties to recreational uses–this plant-based substance has been a part of human societies for centuries. You already know what we are talking about – marijuana, cannabis, po…
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Are you curious about the safety of marijuana and whether or not it’s possible to overdose on it? Cannabis contains over 100 compounds known as cannabinoids, the two most well-known being tetrah…